The Watchman in Conversation: Exploring Arts, Watching Connections

Welcome to the first podcast by The Watchman, available on Spotify. A full internet magazine will follow shortly, but until then here's a brief explanation of what The Watchman is, taken from the first issue:
The Watchman is a joint enterprise between writer and musician Hana Gubenko and myself. Samuel Taylor-Coleridge's short-lived political journal The Watchman returns in a new guise, as an internet magazine designed to stimulate and inform.
To start with, here's an extended (one hour 11 minutes) podcast made by The Watchman founder Hana Gubenko and self, with guests Frank Harders-Wuthenow of Boosey & Hawkes publishers, and Dr Michael Haas in which we discuss subjects such as Entartete Musik and the music of Hans Winterberg:
We sincerely hope you will join us on this new journey! A review of a performance of Hans Winterberg's First String Quartet (receiving its premiere) will follow shortly also.